Saturday, July 10, 2010

Silver Lake

We've been so lucky to visit the sand dunes several times this summer. Ava just loves it and tells Mark to "go faster" when she's riding in the jeep. Who knew I had a little speed demon? She just might come by that honestly though. :)

We first went on Memorial Day weekend and took my parent's and the Vermeulen's in with us. It was a beautiful day on the beach and we all had a great time.

We also got to go for the day with a group from church, what wonderful fellowship and good old fashioned fun!

We also spent a day with Mark's brother and his beautiful family. Ava loves playing with Claire, Jed and JoJo. Baby Liz stayed at the campground with Joy this time around.

And most recently we were there on the 4th. Once again we were able to spend some time with mom & dad and Ken & Sylvia as well as some friends. We watched the fireworks from the dunes on Sunday night. It was a wonderful and relaxing trip.

I really need to do this blog thing more often, this post is way too long! :) So thanks for bearing with me through this.

Monday, April 19, 2010

We're still here...:)

So... :). I know what you're all wondering about. A lot has happen in the months since my last post. A little bit of pain and a whole lot of happy. God is faithful in all things; this is something that has been consistent in my life. I will praise Him and thank Him in all circumstances knowing that He WILL follow through on His promises.

Ava has been growing like crazy and learning so much! I can hardly keep up with her. She loves life and is getting braver everyday. Her smile and giggle are absolutely irresistible. She is full of songs and stories, her imagination is enormous. She is well adjusted to the circumstances that life has thrown her way. Another reason to praise God, He equipped her before she was born for all the things that life would bring. She is such a joy.

And I am doing well also. :) I have been blessed beyond my wildest imagination...proof that waiting on the Lord always provides the greatest and most joy-filled outcome.

I know they aren't the greatest pics, but really, it's only been 3 months. :)
Peace and Blessings!