Saturday, July 10, 2010

Silver Lake

We've been so lucky to visit the sand dunes several times this summer. Ava just loves it and tells Mark to "go faster" when she's riding in the jeep. Who knew I had a little speed demon? She just might come by that honestly though. :)

We first went on Memorial Day weekend and took my parent's and the Vermeulen's in with us. It was a beautiful day on the beach and we all had a great time.

We also got to go for the day with a group from church, what wonderful fellowship and good old fashioned fun!

We also spent a day with Mark's brother and his beautiful family. Ava loves playing with Claire, Jed and JoJo. Baby Liz stayed at the campground with Joy this time around.

And most recently we were there on the 4th. Once again we were able to spend some time with mom & dad and Ken & Sylvia as well as some friends. We watched the fireworks from the dunes on Sunday night. It was a wonderful and relaxing trip.

I really need to do this blog thing more often, this post is way too long! :) So thanks for bearing with me through this.

Monday, April 19, 2010

We're still here...:)

So... :). I know what you're all wondering about. A lot has happen in the months since my last post. A little bit of pain and a whole lot of happy. God is faithful in all things; this is something that has been consistent in my life. I will praise Him and thank Him in all circumstances knowing that He WILL follow through on His promises.

Ava has been growing like crazy and learning so much! I can hardly keep up with her. She loves life and is getting braver everyday. Her smile and giggle are absolutely irresistible. She is full of songs and stories, her imagination is enormous. She is well adjusted to the circumstances that life has thrown her way. Another reason to praise God, He equipped her before she was born for all the things that life would bring. She is such a joy.

And I am doing well also. :) I have been blessed beyond my wildest imagination...proof that waiting on the Lord always provides the greatest and most joy-filled outcome.

I know they aren't the greatest pics, but really, it's only been 3 months. :)
Peace and Blessings!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

4 Year-Old School Girl

I can't believe that Ava is 4 already and going to preschool. She is really coming into her own these days. Her personality just shines through every day. She had a blast at her party last week. We went to "Papa's Barn" for the big bash where she got to share her new swingset from Papa and Oma with some of her friends and cousins. She loved having Lily help with her gift opening and was very gracious about giving up some of the paper-tearing.

School was just another exciting adventure for her. She didn't even hesitate when we got there. I'm so proud of you Ava Dawn. I can't wait to see how you continue to grow and learn. Put God first little one, the rest is just details. I love you!

Here's Ava chilling out before school watching a little Curious George. (big surprise there).

Monday, July 20, 2009


George and Daphne!
Ava and I recently adopted two kittens from Harbour Humane Society. They have made themselves right at home and Ava doesn't ever tire of their antics and giggles nonstop at them. I've lost a few houseplants and a few hours of sleep, but I love them too.
Daphne Jo

George Gershwin

New Beginnings

I know it's been way too long. I constantly think things like, "this would be perfect to blog about", or "this is a picture for the blog". It always feels like work though when it comes down to it. Anyway, a lot has happen in my life since my last post and I think I'm ready to share some of it with you all.

Many of you know of the struggles that have overwhelmed my marriage over the last several years and now those struggles have been lifted and a new set have begun. I want to say first and foremost that GOD is GOOD! I have not only felt His presence in ways I could only imagine before, but I have developed a love for the Almighty that I wouldn't trade for anything. He is my All in All. God's word has become increasingly real to me, truly keeping my feet beneath me in the days I was sure I could not go on.

That said, I understand that divorce is a very tough subject and there are many thoughts and opinions about the one I've just been through. Please know that I am FOR marriage and commitment. Divorce should never be an option and yet there are times when it may be the only one left. I am risking judgement by writing about these things that I have experienced personally, but I believe that God is a part of the very words that I write. I want to share my pain, my struggles, my heartbreak and my triumphs with you. I want you all to share in the challenges and even more, the Hope, that I am so sure of.

One last thing before I move on to something more fun. Please respect that I will not be writing about any of the details surrounding the breakup of my marriage, I am not here to seek justification or build a "team". I still care about Matt and have no desire to hurt him or make things more difficult for him. (turns out he just went through a divorce too. :))

Thank you all for loving on each of us and keep sending prayers upward as we navigate this new way of life.

Our New Home!



Ava and I are very cozy here and she is "excited to be living at our new house". I'll show you all the inside pics another time. Too much of a good thing can be overwhelming. :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


"Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken." Psalm 62:5-6

Everything rides on hope now.
Everything rides on faith somehow.
When the world has broken me down, Your love sets me free.
When my life is like a storm
Rising waters all I want is the shore
You say I'll be ok and
Make it through the rain
You are my shelter from the storm.

Addison Road "Hope Now"

Friday, May 15, 2009

...and tomorrow is the prom

It's amazing how fast time flies with kids! Ava had her first dance "celebration" last weekend. She did fabulous and looked even better. We had to curl her hair and put on lots of makeup-which made me realize I am not ready for her teen years. After her and Lily were all dolled up they kept running to the mirror saying "we have to check our eyes and lips". Girls just know how to be girls don't they?!

I am so proud of you Avary Dawn! You are talented in so many ways!